環境及生態局局長謝展寰今日(八月五日)到訪機電工程署(機電署)總部及啟德區域供冷系統北廠,親身了解部門的工作情況及最新發展。 ...
2022/08/09 DianjiangHK 8
ProblemHistorically, the effects of overharvesting, pollution, and urbanization led to the severe de...
2022/08/02 DianjiangHK 25
2022/07/19 DianjiangHK 10
Application BackgroundManufacturing plants, public utilities, power stations, oil & gas processing f...
2022/07/18 DianjiangHK 6
Growers all around the world rely on Davis Instruments for weather stations, EnviroMonitor...
2022/07/05 DianjiangHK 19
Qubit Systems offers a range of Q-teach packages for teaching animal, insect, plant, algal and aquat...
2022/06/27 DianjiangHK 25
點將科技名木古樹保護團隊借助專業的Picus 3彈性波樹木斷層畫像診斷儀,分別對桂林市陽朔、雁山區雁山園的兩棵古樟樹,柳州市馬鹿山奇石博覽園內一棵古喙核桃進行了生長狀況的檢測調查,檢測結...
2022/06/20 DianjiangHK 15
2022/06/13 DianjiangHK 12
樹木是本地的珍貴自然資源和文化見證,是我們天然的財產。為能夠有效將它們保存,政府特別編製了古樹名木冊。 自2004年起,香港政府在樓宇密集區的未批租政府土地,或鄉村地區的旅遊勝地...
2022/06/06 DianjiangHK 46
2022/06/02 DianjiangHK 24
香港 2022 國際城市林務研討會於 3月2至3日網上直播。(發展局網站) 發展局局長黃偉綸今日(27日)發布網誌表示,香港2022國際城市林務研討會於本月上旬順利舉行。今屆研討會的主題...
2022/05/31 DianjiangHK 8
The Government announced today (May 19) that in order to fight the coronavirus epidemic, the ...
2022/05/23 DianjiangHK 43
The findings from the longitudinal component of the Learning and Assessing in Digital Citizenship (“...
2022/05/10 DianjiangHK 19
香港中通社4月24日電 香港醫院管理局行政總裁高拔陞24日在網誌中表示,第五波疫情漸見曙光,但仍需防範疫情反彈,甚至出現第六波疫情;他強調醫管局會從不同方面著手準備,包括增加醫院和社區設...
2022/04/24 DianjiangHK 17
Abstract and figuresLittle is known on how karst plants adapt to highly heterogeneous habitats via a...
2022/04/07 DianjiangHK 16
The restricted period of the restricted area at Sham Wan, Lamma Island commences today (April 1) til...
2022/04/01 DianjiangHK 16
政府發言人今日(三月二十四日)表示,昨日(三月二十三日)由內地進口本港的鮮活食品供應充足穩定。根據最新資料,昨日(截至午夜)內地經陸路和水路抵港的蔬菜供應量逾2 200公噸,與平日內地供應量相若。其中...
2022/03/25 DianjiangHK 5
2022/03/17 DianjiangHK 7
The third meeting of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Environmental Protection & C...
2022/03/10 DianjiangHK 10
財政預算案建議推出多項措施建立宜居城巿,積極推動新能源運輸、紓緩交通擠塞、改善郊野公園和康體設施,為巿民提供優質生活。 財政司司長陳茂波在預算案中表示,政府致力推動新能源運輸,進一步減少路邊...
2022/03/09 DianjiangHK 7