香港新聞網10月28日電 據中國雲南大學古生物研究院28日消息,最近,該院植物古生態研究團隊在雲南上二疊統宣威組中發現一蓮座蕨類植物新種,定名為Cyathocarpus benefolia...
2024/10/30 DianjiangHK 2
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Kew) houses the largest and most diverse botanical and mycological c...
2024/10/21 DianjiangHK 4
Sunlight plays a crucial role in public health, affecting vitamin D synthesis and psychological well...
2024/10/10 DianjiangHK 6
Weining Caohai, a lake at the headwaters of the Luoze River, upstream of the Hengjiang River, a trib...
2024/09/23 DianjiangHK 4
香港中通社9月19日電 中國國家林業和草原局19日表示,第三方評估表明,中國國家公園正式設立3年來,大熊貓、東北虎豹、藏羚羊等旗艦物種數量持續增長,國家公園生態系統質量穩步提升。據介紹,目前中國《國家...
2024/09/20 DianjiangHK 5
2024/09/05 DianjiangHK 5
The distribution of species around the globe is not a random process but an outcome resulting from s...
2024/08/27 DianjiangHK 10
2024/08/15 DianjiangHK 6
香港新聞網8月13日電 為慶祝香港教育大學成立30周年,教大於8月10日起至8月18日舉行“百載師道.三秩桃李︰香港教育大學三十周年校慶展覽”,展出珍貴圖片、影像及歷史資料,讓大眾了解教大逾百年的歷史...
2024/08/13 DianjiangHK 8
香港新聞網8月6日電 香港城市大學五位優秀學者獲研究資助局2024/25年“高級研究學者計劃”及“研究學者計劃”資助,合共獲得逾3400萬港元經費。他們的研究項目廣泛多元,涵蓋傳播學、電腦科學、環境科...
2024/08/07 DianjiangHK 3
香港中通社7月26日電 據中國應急管理部中國地震局7月26日消息,2018年啟動建設的國家地震預警工程於今年7月25日順利通過竣工驗收,全面建成。 國家地震預警工程建成全球規模最...
2024/08/01 DianjiangHK 4
Researchers from the School of Biological Sciences (SBS) and the Swire Institute of Marine Science (...
2024/07/25 DianjiangHK 4
The Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, will depart for Beijing this afternoon (...
2024/07/12 DianjiangHK 11
The Coral Triangle, also known as the Indo-Australian Archipelago, is renowned for having the greate...
2024/07/05 DianjiangHK 11
The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) announced a case in which acoustic cameras were used t...
2024/06/14 DianjiangHK 14
2024/05/31 DianjiangHK 17
Hainan tropical rain forest is a well-preserved continental island tropical rain forest with concent...
2024/05/23 DianjiangHK 13
The four-day Asia Pacific Geoparks Network (APGN) Geopark Development Forum opened today (May 14) in...
2024/05/17 DianjiangHK 11
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has studied the role of invertebrates in forest litter decompositi...
2024/05/07 DianjiangHK 10
2024/04/10 DianjiangHK 18