Wild Asian elephants in northeast India travel hundreds of miles in search of food, water, and mates...
2021/08/16 DianjiangHK 10
中新社北京7月12日電 中國第12次北極科學考察隊12日搭乘“雪龍2”號從上海出發,前往北極執行科學考察任務。本次考察是“十四五”期間中國組織開展的首次北極科...
2021/07/13 DianjiangHK 7
1. Introduction to carbon cycle, carbon peak and carbon saturation The car...
2021/07/06 DianjiangHK 8
A large-scale polar expedition team composed of more than 500 scientists ...
2021/07/02 DianjiangHK 14
The Internet of Things monitoring system of the National Orientation Observation and Research...
2021/06/28 DianjiangHK 12
香港新聞網6月25日電 香港城市大學24日宣佈,該校的海洋污染國家重點實驗室獲聯合國認可,統籌為期十年的“全球河口監測計劃”,通過收集和研究全球主...
2021/06/28 DianjiangHK 8
Published on : 09 Jun, 2021 , 3:38 amLet me begin today’s column with the psychology of green c...
2021/06/18 DianjiangHK 5
From:ChinadailyChina's top court on Friday pledged to strengthen ecological protection in major ...
2021/06/09 DianjiangHK 8
CommentsEdmonton is striving to protect some 380,000 trees on city-owned boulevards and open spaces&...
2021/06/03 DianjiangHK 9
On May 20, 2021 WEC hosted the Virtual Workshop: “How can Busin...
2021/06/03 DianjiangHK 2
來源:中國新聞網香港5月24日電 (記者 韓星童)香港大學教育資助委員會(教資會)24日公布“2020年研究評審工作”結果,香港八所教資會資助大學獲評審的研究項目中有七成獲國際專家評為“國際卓越”水平...
2021/05/25 DianjiangHK 4
2021/05/24 DianjiangHK 6
From April 10 to 11, 2021, Chang'an University held the "Yellow...
2021/05/14 DianjiangHK 17
The ExperimentThe Jena Experiment is a long-term biodiversity focused research project funded by the...
2021/03/19 DianjiangHK 14
The Mai Po Reserve was established in 1984, covering an area of 380 hecta...
2021/01/07 DianjiangHK 15
The 10th Munich Shanghai Analytica China 2020 came to a successful conclusion on November 18, 2020 a...
2020/12/09 DianjiangHK 20
The 2020 Annual Conference of the Mountain Branch of the Geographical Society of China, sponsored by...
2020/10/27 DianjiangHK 16
Ying Li, business development manager of Aeroqual in New Zealand, visited Hefei office of Dianjiang ...
2020/07/16 DianjiangHK 17
In the production practice of dairy cows, improving the milk production and the quality of fresh mil...
2020/05/29 DianjiangHK 23
"In the past, a group of open-pit coal mines and non-coal mines have been concentrated, which has br...
2020/05/29 DianjiangHK 20