The SP-610 is a downward-looking thermopile pyranometer with an analog output range of 0 to 300 mV. The sensor incorporates a blackbody thermopile detector and flat glass window with a rugged housing design. Typical applications include shortwave radiation measurement in agricultural, ecological, and hydrological weather networks. Sensors are also used to optimize photovoltaic systems.
These sensors can be coupled with an upward looking pyranometer to form an albedometer. For this configuration, we recommend using our AL-130 Albedometer Mounting Bracket. Sensor includes IP67 marine-grade stainless-steel cable connector 30 cm from head to simplify sensor removal and replacement for maintenance and recalibration.
Sensitivity (variable from sensor to sensor, typical values listed) 0.15 mV per W mˉ²
Calibration Factor (reciprocal of sensitivity) (variable from sensor to sensor, typical values listed) 6.7 W mˉ² per m
VCalibration Uncertainty ± 5 %
Calibrated Output Range 0 to 300 mV
Measurement Range 0 to 2000 W mˉ² (net shortwave irradiance)
Measurement Repeatability Less than 1 %
Long-term Drift Less than 2 % per yearNon-linearityLess than 1 %
Detector Response Time 0.5 seconds
Field of View 150 ˚
Spectral Range (50 % points) 295 to 2685 nm
Directional (Cosine) Response Less than 20 % for angles between 0 and 60 ˚
Temperature Response Less than 5 % from -15 to 45 C
Zero Offset A Less than 5 W mˉ², Less than 10 W mˉ² (heated)
Zero Offset B Less than 5 W mˉ²Uncertainty in Daily TotalLess than 5 %
Operating Environment -50 to 80 C, 0 to 100 % relative humidity
Heater 780 Ω, 15.4 mA current drain and 185 mW power requirement an 12 V DC
Dimesions 28.7 mm height, 23.5 mm diameter
Mass 100 g
Warranty 4 years against defects in materials and workmanship