MUSES9-DR bridges the gap between low end multiple lens cameras, acquiring 6-8 spectral bands in a snapshot fashion and the high-end but low spatial resolution, weighty hyperspectral cameras.
MUSES9-DR is the world’s first drone camera for remote sensing acquiring up to 24 spectral images, spectral maps and vegetation index maps instantly, which are all displayed side-by-side at a video rate. Current commercial snapshot spectral imagers offer high spectral resolution at the cost of spatial resolution. Typical spatial resolutions offered by these systems are quite low, being in the range of 400X400 pixels. This is because they employ either lens arrays of multiband mosaic filter arrays, projecting a plurality of filtered images onto an imaging sensor, thus dividing accordingly its effective area into several portions dedicated to specific spectral bands. This way, there is always trade-off between spectral and spatial resolution.
The MUSES9-DR innovative technology combines the real-time acquisition of a sufficient set of 4K level spectral images, with an AI-based spectral estimation technique to compose a full hypercube cube, without compromising spectral or spatial resolution. Advanced ultrafast spectral classification runs is parallel with the video rate acquisition, ending up to displaying supervised or unsupervised classification maps in real time.
Spectral range: 400-1000nm
Light throughput of spectral dispersion optics: 96% (polarization independent)
Spectral bands: up to 24
Full spectral cube scanning time: 0s
Spectral image display: 24 images @ video rates
Spatial resolution/band: 6-megapixels (typical)
Number of spectra per spectral cube: 6 million
Mechanical scanning: not required
Lens thread: c-mount, adapts direct to all lenses, microscopes and telescopes
Calibration: automatic
Chromatic aberrations: corrected
Software: supervised and unsupervised classifiers, video rate spectral and VI mapping
Modes of operation: Transmission, reflection, fluorescence
Weight: 310g