The ST-150 is a 1/8 inch, Class A PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer) with an IP67 rating. White heat shrink is used on the cable behind the PRT to minimize heat transfer to the sensor. PRT sheath dimensions are 3 mm diameter and 65 mm length, miminzing thermal mass.
Measurement Range -50 to 70 C
Measurement Uncertainty 0.3 C (-50 to 70 C), Class A
Measurement Repeatability Less than 0.01 C
Long-term Drift Less than 0.05 C per year
Equilibration Time 15 seconds
Self-heating Less than 0.01 C (typical, assuming pulsed excitation of 2.1 V DC, 0.09 at 5 C (max. assuming continuous input excitation of 2.1 V DC)
Operating Environment -50 to 70 C, 0 to 100 % relative humidity
Resistance at 0 C 100 Ω
Input Voltage Requirement Datalogger dependent
Output Voltage Requirement Datalogger dependent
Current Draw Datalogger dependent
Dimensions 56 mm, 3 mm diameter
Mass 95 g
Warranty 4 years against defects in materials and workmanship