The Coral Triangle, also known as the Indo-Australian Archipelago, is renowned for having the greate...
2024/07/05 DianjiangHK 12
2024/05/31 DianjiangHK 18
The four-day Asia Pacific Geoparks Network (APGN) Geopark Development Forum opened today (May 14) in...
2024/05/17 DianjiangHK 12
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has studied the role of invertebrates in forest litter decompositi...
2024/05/07 DianjiangHK 11
2024/04/10 DianjiangHK 19
香港新聞網3月22日電 2024年最多農藥使用的“骯髒蔬果黑名單“(Dirty Dozen)22日出爐,士多啤梨連續九年蟬聯冠軍,菠菜繼續排第二,羽衣甘藍和芥菜並列第三。葡萄由去年第八躍升至第四。若...
2024/03/25 DianjiangHK 9
Measurement technologies developed by the UK’s prestigious National Physical Laboratory (NPL) played...
2024/03/06 DianjiangHK 5
Dear Customers, Our company will have a Spring Festival holiday from February 10 to February 17. Nor...
2024/02/05 DianjiangHK 10
Nine research projects by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) have secured funding under the National ...
2024/01/17 DianjiangHK 11
By Eric LeeMay 23rd 2023Conceptual illustration of real-world observations (a) and the eco-evolution...
2024/01/08 DianjiangHK 15
2024/01/05 DianjiangHK 2
(This article was originally published on EurekAlert! on December 14, 2023)A research...
2023/12/28 DianjiangHK 8
香港新聞網12月25日電 粵港澳大灣區氣象研究院近日在廣州啟動,同時成立第一屆科學諮詢委員會。據悉,該研究院是中國氣象局在華南成立的首個國家級科...
2023/12/26 DianjiangHK 11
2023/12/25 DianjiangHK 3
The prestigious scientific publication highlights the chatbot alongside one of its creators, a forgo...
2023/12/18 DianjiangHK 28
香港中通社11月30日電 香港特區政府環境及生態局30日公布,2022年香港的溫室氣體排放總量約為3350萬公噸二氧化碳當量,較2021年下降約4...
2023/12/04 DianjiangHK 30
Do you know the difference between tipping gauges and weighing precipitation gauges?Tipping gauges w...
2023/12/01 DianjiangHK 7
2023/11/21 DianjiangHK 33
2023/11/15 DianjiangHK 10