New ‘30 for 30’ programme launches on HKUST’s 30th anniversary and will focus on six cutting edge se...
2023/02/09 DianjiangHK 19
Every year before the onset of wet season, tree management departments will complete Tree Risk Asses...
2023/02/09 DianjiangHK 50
The Future Science Prize Committee announces that Professor Wenhui Li, Professor Ngaiming Mok and Pr...
2022/12/02 DianjiangHK 23
The University of Hong Kong ranks 26th globally among all institutions this year with thirty-eight a...
2022/11/17 DianjiangHK 25
The adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” applies to golf course Superintendents and Turf Managers...
2022/10/27 DianjiangHK 17
Weather is a key driver of nearly all the factors that make or break a crop’s success. That's why fa...
2022/10/12 DianjiangHK 15
International partnerships for sustainable innovationsImproved water use in agriculture is essential...
2022/09/22 DianjiangHK 13
2022/09/07 DianjiangHK 9
環境及生態局局長謝展寰今日(八月五日)到訪機電工程署(機電署)總部及啟德區域供冷系統北廠,親身了解部門的工作情況及最新發展。 ...
2022/08/09 DianjiangHK 8
2022/07/19 DianjiangHK 10
Application BackgroundManufacturing plants, public utilities, power stations, oil & gas processing f...
2022/07/18 DianjiangHK 6
Growers all around the world rely on Davis Instruments for weather stations, EnviroMonitor...
2022/07/05 DianjiangHK 19
Qubit Systems offers a range of Q-teach packages for teaching animal, insect, plant, algal and aquat...
2022/06/27 DianjiangHK 25
2022/06/02 DianjiangHK 24
香港 2022 國際城市林務研討會於 3月2至3日網上直播。(發展局網站) 發展局局長黃偉綸今日(27日)發布網誌表示,香港2022國際城市林務研討會於本月上旬順利舉行。今屆研討會的主題...
2022/05/31 DianjiangHK 8
The Government announced today (May 19) that in order to fight the coronavirus epidemic, the ...
2022/05/23 DianjiangHK 43
The findings from the longitudinal component of the Learning and Assessing in Digital Citizenship (“...
2022/05/10 DianjiangHK 19
香港中通社4月24日電 香港醫院管理局行政總裁高拔陞24日在網誌中表示,第五波疫情漸見曙光,但仍需防範疫情反彈,甚至出現第六波疫情;他強調醫管局會從不同方面著手準備,包括增加醫院和社區設...
2022/04/24 DianjiangHK 17
Abstract and figuresLittle is known on how karst plants adapt to highly heterogeneous habitats via a...
2022/04/07 DianjiangHK 16
The restricted period of the restricted area at Sham Wan, Lamma Island commences today (April 1) til...
2022/04/01 DianjiangHK 16